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Student Clubs

The Office of Leadership Activities and the Student Government Association (SGA) work in collaboration to support the efforts of upwards of 100 registered student clubs each year. Student organizations contribute powerfully to the vibrant cocurricular life of 91 and represent an incredibly diverse array of community interests. Leadership Activities advises student organizations, sets policy and distributes funds, while the SGA provides much of the funding allocation and political representation for these groups.

Privileges and Responsibilities

Registered student clubs are entitled to:

  • Official recognition as an Skidmore student club (recognition does not imply legal sponsorship or approval)
  • Access to advising and Leadership Activities
  • Access to any SGA-allocated funds
  • Sponsor events using college facilities, in accordance with established procedures
  • Publicity and links on the SGA website
  • Participate in and recruit members at the biannual Club Fair
  • Purchase some items, tax-exempt, for club purposes, thru the SGA accountant
  • Request on-campus services
  • Fundraise for a cause
  • A SkidSync page
  • A Skidmore email and use of Skidmore email lists

Registered organizations are expected to:

  • Meet deadlines pertaining to club registration and funding
  • Update contact information with Leadership Activities and SGA as necessary
  • Maintain a current constitution/charter
  • Plan and conduct activities that further the group's purpose as stated in your constitution and mission statements
  • Conduct business in accordance with the Skidmore Honor Code
  • Follow SGA financial guidelines and regulations
  • Register all events with the Office of Leadership Activities
  • Adhere to college policies and procedures
  • Adhere to the New York State anti-hazing law
  • All organizations should ensure that their individual members and guests observe all local, state and federal laws as well as all 91 policies and procedures
  • Per federal law, membership in organizations must be open to all persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual preference, age, marital status, citizenship or handicap. (SA-302).

Club List

Helpful links:

Office of Student Diversity Programs

Intercultural Center

African Heritage Club

Asian Cultural Awareness (ACA)
Asian Cultural Awareness provides 91 with an organization that extends itself to all students and faculty interested in learning about Asian cultures and identities. ACA is committed to developing familiarity, understanding and appreciation of Asian cultures within Skidmore's campus beyond school walls.

Chinese Culture Club
Chinese Culture Club is an organization that seeks to promote awareness and understanding about various aspects of Chinese culture, including but not limited to: traditions, heritage, festivals, language, history, music, sports, art and current events. We hope to serve as a platform to aid international Chinese students to better integrate with American culture and to enlighten the Skidmore students who wish to study abroad in China with the diverse living experiences of the international Chinese students.

HAYAT's purpose is to explore and bring awareness regarding the diverse and common cultures, social trends, traditions and politics of Islamicated regions including the Middle East, North Africa and Southwest Asia. HAYAT seeks to promote awareness and educate students on issues surrounding the indigenous customs of these locations. As such, this club includes the customs and faiths that reflect the complex cultural fabric of these regions including but not limited to Islam, Coptic Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.

Hip Hop Alliance
Hip Hop Alliance is dedicated to educating the 91 community about hip hop culture, its elements and history, as well as its many issues with race, class, gender, sexual orientation and more through events such as concerts, discussions and lectures.

El Club Español
The goals of El Club Español are to promote the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world through social gatherings, films, lectures, food, dance and other activities. The club will allow students to interact with others who share these common interests: practicing Spanish, sharing travel experiences and learning about Hispanic cultures in a welcoming atmosphere.

French Club (in trial period)

International Student Union (ISU)
International Student Union is a club that seeks to promote the different cultures that international students brings to the campus. We do this by organizing different social, cultural and educational events unique of the countries we represent. We embrace both international and non international students. If you are interested in issues or cultures outside of the USA, then ISU is for you.

Lift Every Voice Gospel Choir
As the only gospel choir on campus, Lift Every Voice seeks to use our exclusive sound to unite the Skidmore community through inspirational songs and songs of worship. Lift Every Voice gospel/inspirational choir is dedicated to providing the Skidmore community, and the greater community at large, with a different and unique outlet for self-expression. We aspire to provide a version of music therapy to students of all identity markers. We aim to give students the opportunity to express their differences through music, allowing diverse voices to make one harmonious sound.

Find LEV on Facebook

NihonGo! commits to spreading awareness and understanding of Japanese culture as well as providing Japanese-language students with a comfortable environment in which to practice Japanese. We hold various events from food events to discussions on aspects of Japanese culture, and we hold "language tables" once a month.

The goal of Raices is primarily to act as a resource for the students of Latino backgrounds and secondarily to act as an agent to increase campus awareness on issues related to Latino culture, history, philosophy, people and other facets.

Skidmore Pride Alliance
The Skidmore Pride Alliance strives to provide the Skidmore Community with a larger understanding of issues pertaining to sex, sexual orientation and gender identity/expression; stand up against injustices; and to strengthen the LGBTQIA community at 91.

Ujima is the African/African-American/Caribbean-American cultural awareness club designed to bring to the 91 community a plethora of history, culture and celebrations concerning the Diasporas nations via intra- and intercollegiate events. All meetings and events are open to all who wish to participate.

Helpful links:



Ping Pong Club
Ping Pong Club allows students to socialize and have fun while playing ping pong weekly, welcoming students of all different skill levels


Soccer Club

Alpine Ski Team
The Skidmore Ski Team is a competitive ski racing team that loves to have fun! We compete in the Mideast Region of USCSA. Former racing knowledge is not necessary, although it is encouraged. While former experience is not necessary, a desire to try ski racing and become involved in the culture is, as is your own pair of skis or access to skis. We race every weekend for the first month of second semester and we have team dry-land practices before and during the season. Anyone who wants to race, ski every weekend, and meet some great people should join. So come check out how fun ski racing can be on the amazing Skidmore Ski Team!

Circus Club
Skidmore Circus Club is an all-inclusive club where students can come and share their circus talents and learn new art forms and skills. All members of campus are invited to contribute their talents and learn new skills at Open Gym. No experience is required just an openness to move and try new things. Skidmore Circus Club also has a performance team that works on routines to perform on campus and in the greater Saratoga area. The only requirement for Circus Club is being able to commit fully to practices and having a skill that you are comfortable performing.

Club Basketball
The club team provides members of the 91 community with an outlet for competitive and organized basketball. The team differs from its varsity counterpart, as it practices two times a week and plays games every two to three weeks.

Halfbreds (Men’s Hockey)
The Halfbreds’ mission is to provide a fun environment for people who do not wish to play varsity hockey. It is a less competitive league than varsity, but a way for those who wish to play or practice on a weekly basis.

Martial Arts Club
The Martial Arts Club at 91 provides martial arts instruction to the community and organizes related social events. Arts studied include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Israeli martial arts, Joint Locking, Stick Fighting, and women’s self-defense.

Outing Club
The Outing Club builds community connection and leaders through outdoor activities and skill building. We provide access to outdoor activities, such as hiking, climbing, canoeing, swimming and camping. We are open to all levels of outdoor interest and abilities. We believe in getting people outside and having new adventures so they can build confidence and skill that translates back to the Skidmore community. ​Come and join us, the adventure awaits!

Polo Club
Skidmore’s Polo Club was established in 1977 and competes in the USPA with the likes of Yale, Cornell, Harvard, UMass and UConn. With a varied string of around 16 ponies yearly, we have horses to suit all levels of players. The club is devoted to providing students with the unique opportunity to learn the sport of polo and is and is an affordable way for students to learn the "sport of kings."

Running Club
Running Club provides experience and support for all cross-country runners. Members participate in community-based races as a group, and the club holds formal workout sessions, makes running opportunities available and easily accessible to all Skidmore students and provides support for inexperienced runners.

Sailing Club
Skidmore’s Sailing Club prepares students for Class 420 regattas and is committed to spreading the simple joy of sailing. A non-exclusive club where the sailing experience of members runs the gamut, the club provides opportunities to learn to sail as well as compete at an intercollegiate level.

ThoroughBears (Ultimate Frisbee)
Skidmore's Ultimate Frisbee team.

Women’s Hockey Club
Skidmore women's ice hockey offers a fun and competitive environment for anyone interested in the sport of hockey. All abilities are welcome. The season goes from September through the beginning of March. The team plays a full schedule of games, both home and away, on Saturdays and Sundays, against other college club teams.

Yoga Club
Ashtanga Yoga at Skidmore, led by yoga and Reiki Master Francesca Markowitz.


The Accents are one of Skidmore’s two all-female a cappella groups. Known for their lively performances, the Accents perform regularly throughout the school year at sporting events, study breaks, opening for other club performances and at their end-of-semester jams.

The Bandersnatchers are an all-male a cappella group that has produced numerous recordings and is well known on campus and far beyond for their lively performances and diversity of repertoire, which ranges from contemporary pop tunes, jazz standards, '60s ballads and '70s funk, to traditional folk songs and the Skidmore alma mater. The group has won four regional a cappella competitions, most recently in 2007 at the NCHSA and performs regularly at college campuses all over the Northeast.

Drastic Measures
The Drastic Measures are Skidmore's only charity coed a cappella group. Formed in September 2003 and chartered in October 2004, the Drastic Measures have dedicated every major on-campus performance to a charitable organization. They have raised money for AIDS awareness, cancer research, mentoring programs, a children's choir in Kenya and more.

Founded in 1995, the Dynamics (often referred to as the “Dynos”) are 91's oldest coed a cappella group. Grounded in the principals of diversity and cohesion, the Dynos are an eclectic mix of personalities and singing styles. Their love of singing with one another is made apparent through their rousing performances and interactions with the audience.

DJs Annonymous
DJs Anonymous is a club at 91 for DJs and those interested in learning how to DJ. We put on our own shows and help other clubs in the formation of slappin' dance parties.

Lift Every Voice Gospel Choir
As the only gospel choir on campus, Lift Every Voice (LEV) seeks to use their exclusive sound to reunite the Skidmore community through inspirational songs and songs of worship. LEV aims to provide the Skidmore community and the greater community at large, with a unique outlet of self-expression. LEV aims to give students the opportunity to express their differences through music and allowing diverse voices to make one harmonious sound.

Find LEV on Facebook

Lively Lucy’s Coffeehouse
Lively Lucy’s Coffeehouse provides weekly free entertainment for Skidmore students showcasing performers in the coffeehouse tradition as well as providing a venue for student acts. The club also puts on student open-mic nights and band-battles and as well as co-sponsors festivals and larger concerts with other groups on campus.

Skidmore’s only “found object percussion group,” the mission of Pulse! is to bring people together through a common rhythm and tap into the pulse of our own community. Pulse! combines elements of traditional and trash-based percussion, with guerilla theater, stage performance and clowning.

Skidaiko is Skidmore's first and only Taiko group with members who are spirited enthusiastic and dedicated to making Taiko, Japanese performance drumming, an exciting experience for the Skidmore community. Informal practices separate from the skilled performance troupe; allow anyone the opportunity to learn Taiko regardless of experience or skill.

The Sonneteers are one of Skidmore's two all-female a cappella groups. The group was formed in 1947, making them the oldest a cappella group (and club) on campus. Over the years, repertoire has included all kinds of music from college songs to jazz standards from calypso music to popular songs.

Student Entertainment Committee (SEC)
SEC is here to satisfy all your music and entertainment needs. SEC is responsible for booking, promoting, and producing events on campus (primarily live music). Previous acts have included TV on the Radio, Grizzly Bear and Girl Talk.

Treble Makers
The Treble Makers are an all-inclusive a capella group on campus open to all students, regardless of musical experience, and does not use sheet music. The club relies instead on auditory learning. The members are welcome to attend as frequently or infrequently as they wish.

WSPN Radio
WSPN is the college radio station located at 91.1. Composed of student and community DJs, WSPN is one of the few college radio stations run entirely by a selected student board. The station primarily programs a freeform radio format and—in addition to serving the 91 campus—also serves the city of Saratoga Springs, and surrounding communities. Unlike many college stations, WSPN is a 24-hour a day operation and is on the air 365 days a year.

Click here to listen to WSPN Radio


213 Crew
213 is a crew of passionate dancers who each have previous experience in some form urban styles of dance, which generally stem from the hip hop, house, and funk cultures. Through exclusive choreography and improvisation, the dance crew intends to inspire, entertain, and energize many audiences like the Skidmore community, greater New York region and YouTube nation. They are spreading creative artistry of movement as a means of self-expression.

The Breakbeats are an all-inclusive hip hop and breakdancing group. The Breakbeats provide the opportunity to explore, learn, create and perform hip hop, step and breakdancing routines in any of its eclectic and diverse styles. No prior experience necessary to join.

Skidmore’s jazz and hip hop club, the Rithmos provide entertainment for the Skidmore and Saratoga Springs communities as well as promote and teach original and energetic choreography. They provide opportunities to dancers of all levels to perform jazz and hip hop.

Irish Dance Club
The Skidmore Irish Dance Club teaches and performs Irish hard-shoe and soft-shoe dances, using traditional and original choreography. The Irish Dancers teach fellow students of all abilities the Irish cultural form of step-dancing, both social and competition-style. They also perform their own innovative, modern work at off-campus venues.

Stompin' Soles
The Stompin’ Soles are Skidmore’s only tap-dancing troupe. The club provides an outlet for tappers to perform and practice tap dance. As they like to say, “We make noise with our feet, we keep a great beat ... and we're pretty sweet!”


Ad Liberal Artists (Ad-Libs)
The Ad-Libs are an improvisational comedy group committed to providing 91 with laughter and raw unadulterated humor. The Ad-Libs are a founding member of the National College Comedy Festival, an annual gathering at Skidmore of professional and college groups focused on the collaborative process of sketch and improvised comedy.

The Sketchies are a sketch comedy group committed to providing Skidmore students an outlet for comedic performance and film opportunities. The group annually participates in the National College Comedy Festival on Skidmore’s campus.

Skidomedy is a sketch comedy group founded in 2006 by Willy Appelman who went on to perform with Second City and intern at the Colbert Report. The Sketchies frequently perform comedy shows on campus and in the Saratoga Springs community.


Awkward Kids Talking
Awkward Kids Talking is an improvisational theater company at 91. Our work is sometimes funny, sometimes thoughtful, but always completely made up. Our work is focused on creating long single scenes called "monoscenes," but we've improvised hourlong films, absurdest scenes, Shakespearian verse, and when we're not doing that we're often killing each other in slow motion. AKT is an audition-only group but we also lead the Skidprov Troop, an all-inclusive improv group that meets once a week to learn improv, play games and perform once or twice a semester. We're pushing the boundaries and always playing hard. Do you know what I mean?

Connect with Awkward Kids Talking:


Cabaret Troupe
Cabaret Troupe is Skidmore’s musical theater club, and we put on one or two fun, high-quality musicals per semester. We also run a number of smaller events, such as cabarets, trips to see shows and writing musical theater songs. We were founded in 1988 by Jon Rubinstein '91 and are still very active today. Our shows are entirely student-run: We act, direct, stage-manage, choreograph, design, construct and produce every show. This means we are always in need of instrumentalists, designers, techies and others from all areas in addition to actors, singers and performers. Cabaret Troupe is set up to provide as many students as possible with the opportunity to get involved with all aspects of putting on a professional, quality production. Although it seems that putting up a full musical is a stressful job, we still manage to have a lot of fun in this club. Many of your best friends throughout college (and life) can be met in Cabaret Troupe. In addition, you learn great skills that can be used in the performing arts business. Absolutely anyone is welcome to join Cab Troupe. You are a member for life after doing just one show with us. We are students from freshmen to senior, who are here for a wide variety of majors, from theater to education to government and more! We are all very different people who come together for the love and enjoyment of musical theater.

Connect with Cabaret Troupe Club:


Circus Club
Skidmore Circus Club is an all-inclusive club where students can come and share their circus talents and learn new art forms and skills. All members of campus are invited to contribute their talents and learn new skills at Open Gym. No experience is required, just an openness to move and try new things. Skidmore Circus Club also has a performance team that works on routines to perform on campus and in the greater Saratoga area. The only requirement for Circus Club is being able to commit fully to practices and having a skill that you are comfortable performing.

Late Night Club
Late Night is the club responsible for all the events held for free on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights in the Spa. Late Night offers non-alcoholic programming for students as options to go out, but still stay on campus. We love co-sponsoring with clubs and hearing from students about events you want. Come if you have any ideas about events for the Skidmore community or if your club would like to work with us.

Anime Club
A community of individuals, passionate about Japanese animation and culture who want to share our knowledge with the world. Join our community. Speak your mind and share your thoughts on what you love.

BARE Sex Forum is committed to creating a safe space and a community that allows for honest, open discussion about issues related to sex and sexuality. At least once a year the organization puts together an art and literary publication dealing with issues of sexuality.

Film Club
The 91 Film Club is a group of movie-loving Skidmore students that meets every other Thursday at 7:30 p.m. With some help from the 91 community, we choose films to screen on campus and show them for free on the Thursdays between meetings.

Folio is a Skidmore literary magazine edited and produced by students committed to extending the college community’s ongoing discussions and debates.

LINE Art Review
LINE is the 91 campus source for visual arts discussion, committed to presenting and encouraging critique of visual art both on and off campus, as well as conversation on topics in the general art world unrelated to recent visual art exhibits.

Photography Club
Our organization strives to act as a resource for all of the photographers at Skidmore College. We hold weekly meetings to critique each other's work, vote on contest winners, discuss current trends in the art of photography, give tutorials, bring in professional photographers and learn from one another. As a member of our club you will have access to 35mm film cameras, lighting equipment, and free film on occasion.

Skidmo' Daily
The college's only print and satirical newspaper. The Skidmo' Daily strives to provide humorous coverage of events on and off campus, factual and farcical.

Skidmore News
The Skidmore News is the student-run campus newspaper that provides the latest campus news, sports and opinions to students, faculty, alumni and the surrounding community.

Skidmore's one and only student-run television station and and audio-visual club. From new and original shows and movies, to filming on-campus events, SkidTV is there to enrich the Skidmore community. Be sure to check out our website for news, and our Youtube page for all your favorite SkidTV shows.

Skidmore's Harry Potter discussion group for any and all!

Helpful link:

Religious and Spiritual Life

Christian Fellowship
The Skidmore Christian Fellowship is a member chapter of a national organization of Christian fellowships on college campuses all over the country that welcomes all individuals to our meetings, regardless of personal convictions, beliefs and backgrounds.

Hillel provides a community for Jewish students and serves as a resource for those interested in Jewish culture and religion. All are welcome!

Lift Every Voice Gospel Choir
As the only gospel choir on campus, Lift Every Voice (LEV) seeks to use their exclusive sound to reunite the Skidmore community through inspirational songs and songs of worship. LEV aims to provide the Skidmore community and the greater community at large, with a unique outlet of self-expression. LEV aims to give students the opportunity to express their differences through music and allowing diverse voices to make one harmonious sound.

Find LEV on Facebook

Newman Club
The Newman Club provides means for the spiritual, intellectual and social development of Catholic students at Skidmore. Each week, club members attend the youth liturgy mass at St. Clements in Saratoga Springs. Club leaders also host periodic dinners from local restaurants, in order to help strengthen the relationships between Catholic students on campus. The Newman Club also works closely with Skidmore's interfaith council as a way to unite students of different faiths.

Chemistry Club
The Chemistry Club encourages the appreciation of chemistry through education, raises awareness on campus and the community about chemistry/natural science, bridge the gap between academics and cocurricular activities, supports the natural science curriculum and the Chemistry Department and exposes natural science majors to potential career opportunities.

Click here for more information about the Chemistry department

Chess Club
A wonderful place to play the world's most popular board game. We meet weekly and all skill levels are welcome. Skidmore Chess Club also has matches and tournaments for those interested in a challenge.

Geology Club
The Geology Club promotes activities and trips to help encourage the learning and appreciation of geoscience. Activities range from eating rock candy, "Bad Geology" movie nights, outdoor excursions, to organized field trips to geologically relevant areas. The Geology Club hopes to show how gneiss it can be to be around rocks all day!

Click here for more information about the Geosciences department

Model EU
Model EU is an international affairs club that prepares for and participates in annual simulations of the European Union, in a similar manner to Model UN. Conferences are held alternately in the Northeastern U.S. and European countries such as Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland; most travel costs are SGA-financed, allowing for the participation of students from all economic backgrounds. During the annual conferences, MEU members represent real European politicians from the European Parliament or European Council (e.g. Angela Merkel and François Hollande) and debate legislative directives. Debate topics in the past have included cybersecurity, asylum policy and minimum income. Upcoming conferences will be at 91 and the University of Antwerpt, Belgium. All are welcome to join!

Click here for information about Model EU

and the Government department

Model United Nations Club
The United Nations Club at 91 organizes and helps students prepare for participation in the annual intercollegiate simulation on the UN, National Model United Nations (NMUN), a conference hosted in New York City and sponsored by the National Collegiate Conference Association. The club helps participating students familiarize themselves with the structure and policies of the assigned country at the simulation.

Click here for more information about the United Nations Club and the Government department

Society of Physics Students
The Physics Society at Skidmore supports and encourages physics students and mentors in research, academics, and more.

Click here for more information about the Physics department

Pre-Law Club
The constituents of this society actively take each of their destinies within their own hands, vying opportunities and further progress within their careers—regardless the career choice—with a special emphasis noted on the legal field.

Pre-Health Club
The Pre-Health Club fosters community among Skidmore students who are pursuing majors and careers in the health professions which facilitates the exposure of the entire college community to the medicine field.

Click here for more information about the Pre-Health Advisory Committee

Active Minds
Active Minds is a national organization that empowers students to speak openly about mental health in order to educate others and encourage help-seeking. Active Minds chapters throughout the country are changing the culture on campuses and in their communities by providing information, leadership opportunities and advocacy training to the next generation. Through campuswide events and awareness campaigns, our Active Minds chapter at Skidmore aims to remove the stigma that surrounds mental health issues and create a comfortable environment for an open conversation about mental health issues on our campus. Feel free to check out the national

Benef-Action is the community service club on campus. We hope to make students aware of the opportunities available on and off campus to help community members, help with new initiatives and have general awareness campaigns. We have worked with groups such as Saratoga Mentoring, Special Olympics Swimming, Shelters of Saratoga, B.E.S.T. and the Saratoga Senior Center.

Democracy Matters
Democracy Matters is a national grassroots organization of student activists who want to get the influence of big private money out of politics and get our voices back in. Due to the enormous cost of running for office, politicians are so dependent on those who fund their campaigns that they are not accountable to the people they ought to be representing. The fight for fair elections is a fight for every social cause.

Center for Sex and Gender
Skidmore's Center for Sex and Gender Relations is a student-initiated center for advocacy, training and education pertaining to all aspects of sexual health and sexual conduct. The center forms partnerships with on- and off-campus service providers for information and counseling referral. The purpose of the center is to offer a safe, confidential space where students may have open and frank discussions of sexual and relationship issues.

Click here to find more information on the Center for Sex and Gender

Environmental Action Coalition (EAC)
EAC is focused on accomplishing campaigns/projects that help promote the growth of sustainability on campus through student involvement and creativity. Each semester we choose initiatives that we feel passionately about and meet each week to discuss and actively work on them. We also hold monthly meetings of where the various sustainable groups on campus (Real Food Challenge, S-reps, Sustainable Skidmore, Conservation Corps, etc.) can come together to discuss the projects they have been working on, find others who are interested in helping and generally make the sustainability movement on campus more transparent. ​It is important that all these groups come together partly so that we can all become more aware of what is going on, and partly so that we can begin to hold each other more accountable to the goals we all want to be accomplished.

We are the food waste diversion club at Skidmore! We take leftover food from the dining hall and donate it to local organizations in downtown Saratoga. We also volunteer at the organizations we donate to. Overall, we hope to raise awareness about food waste and food insecurity, and how to solve both in a sustainable way. Some of the organizations we partner with are LifeWorks Community Action, Shelters of Saratoga and RISE Healthy Housing. Email us at Feedmore@skidmore.edu and on Instagram @skid.feedmore.

FeelGood is a national youth movement, engaging college students to take on one of the biggest and most daunting challenges the world has ever known: global hunger. FeelGood raises money by exchanging grilled cheese sandwiches in exchange for a donation of "whatever makes you feel good." All the money raised goes toward the Hunger Project, an international organization currently at work in 13 countries. The Hunger Project works on the premise of partnership, not charity, and invests in people to end their own hunger. By working through trust and respect, instead of foreign aid, the Hunger Project aims to sustainably end world hunger by 2030. Since its beginning 10 years ago, FeelGood as an organization has raised more than $1.4 million dollars for the end of global hunger.

Feminist Action Network
The purpose of of the Feminist Action Network is to further awareness of the many feminisms within the Skidmore community. We aim to advocate for, and take action on behalf of, all who desire social justice in relation to sex and gender. Whether in the intellectual, political or social realm, the Feminist Action Network desires to increase equity and understanding. The Feminist Action Network meets weekly.

This organization finds ways to spread positive self image and create a "feel good" vibe to its supporters and the community at large. The mission of H.I.P.S. is to help teenagers foster a positive self-image and educate about the necessity for a positive body image, as well. H.I.P.S. gives teenagers the opportunity to voice their concerns about the media's impact on young children's (both male and female) body image; H.I.P.S. brainstorms ways to help prevent related mental illnesses for future generations, as well as raise funds for organizations that already do so. H.I.P.S. has historically donated to the Manna Fund, which provides financial means for the treatment of eating disorders to men and women whose insurance does not cover the required care. For more information, please visit the

J Street U
J Street U at Skidmore provides a place for conversation and education about the peaceful future of the state of Israel and the future state of Palestine.

Model EU
Model EU organizes and helps prepare students for an annual intercollegiate simulation of the European Union (EU) called EuroSim, alternately held at a U.S. college campus and a European college campus. Club members receive Skidmore's country and role assignments by September for January simulations and December for April simulations, and are responsible for beginning research shortly thereafter. The club meets weekly throughout both terms until departure in April for U.S. locations or January for European locations. The most recent simulation, Eurosim 2010, was held at Antwerpen University in Antwerp, Belgium. The topic was EU-Russia relations and Skidmore represented Bulgaria.

Model UN
The United Nations Club at 91 organizes and helps students prepare for participation in the annual intercollegiate simulation on the UN. The club helps the involved Skidmore students familiarize themselves with the structure and policies of the assigned country at the simulation. Members are required to do research on a variety of subjects relating to general issues before the United Nations and the stance on these issues of the country the student might be representing in mock simulations, debates and the annual simulation. 91 has been sending delegations to the Model UN conference annually for the past 40 years and has represented numerous countries, such as Mongolia, Israel, France, Poland, Cambodia, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Canada, Ireland and Kiribati. Recently, Model UN attended a conference in Washington, D.C., where we represented Poland in five different UN bodies.

Pro-Arts is Skidmore's official fine arts club. We are the connection between studio artists and the rest of the college. We run the student gallery in Case Center and do collaborative projects with various groups and institutions, including the Tang Museum, other student clubs and the wider Saratoga community.

SkidBuilds teaches Skidmore students the basics of engineering.

Skidmore Democrats
Skidmore’s chapter of the College Democrats of America is the official youth outreach of the Democratic Party. The main purpose of this club is to register and elect Democrats.

Skidmore Peace Action
Skidmore Peace Action is a chapter of the national organization Peace Action.

Skidmore Republicans
91 Republicans provide a community for students to become involved with the Republican Party. We aim to act as a voice for the Republican Party, stimulate political interest and debate on campus and provide a place for political expression and recognition. We hold conservative ideals and aim to help build a better America and bridge the older and younger generations of the Republican Party.

Skidmore Education Taking Action (SETA)
The purpose of SETA is to increase awareness about the challenges to and the diversity involved in the education of future generations. The goal is to expand Skidmore's engagement with children in communities near and far by giving club members the experience to pursue their aspirations in furthering knowledge about issues they see as pertinent in the betterment of the overall community.

Students United for Public Education (SUPE)
To put it simply, there exists a drastic achievement gap between the American rich and poor, privileged and deprived. This social justice issue is deeply rooted in our country's racist, oppressive past. We have inherited a legacy of minorities being pushed into segregated, undesirable areas, which created racial and class disparities throughout our school districts. Modern factors such as teacher disempowerment, top-down governmental control and funding inequalities are now continuing to fuel the destruction of our public school system. As a student organization, SUPE hopes to raise awareness and action in this complex web of disfunction. SUPE is striving for a society where academic achievement is not determined by income or zip code.

Voices for Planned Parenthood (Vox)
Through Skidmore's chapter of Vox, students organize events on campus to raise public awareness about reproductive health and rights, educate young people at concerts about sexual health, work with and support their local Planned Parenthood health centers and mobilize advocates of reproductive rights.

Chess Club
A wonderful place to play the world's most popular board game. We meet weekly and all skill levels are welcome. Skidmore Chess Club also has matches and tournaments for those interested in a challenge.

Skidmore eSports is a club that focuses on exhibiting the competitive aspects of video games through tournaments with other colleges. The club also does everything in its power to give back to the Skidmore community through info sessions about different competitive eSports.

Fight Club
FightClub peer mediation club holds weekly meetings to create a space to learn about alternative dispute resolution (mediation, conflict coaching, restorative justice, etc.) and to create a safe community to practice those skills. The club also offers the opportunity to become a trained mediator (through ID141: Basic Mediation Training); our trained mediators offer their services to the Skidmore community as well as the greater Saratoga community. Come learn how we fight conflict! Visit us Campus Life (Case 309) during our drop-in hours

Foundry Club
The Foundry Club is dedicated to the casting of metal and non-metal materials. The goal of the club is to teach students to cast metal and to expand the college's art scene and involvement in the larger art community. The club sponsors both on- and off-campus events, from visits to local casting venues to extra critiques from Skidmore professors out of class.

FreeKing Studios
FreeKing Studios is Skidmore's video game development club. FreeKing Studios introduces students to all elements of video game creation, including coding, art, music, story-writing and marketing.

Humans versus Zombies (HvZ)
Humans vs. Zombies is a game of moderated tag. Human players must remain vigilant and defend themselves with socks and dart blasters to avoid being tagged by a growing zombie horde.

Email HvZ

Knit Wits
Knit Wits is a club devoted to teaching Skidmore students how to knit.

Paranormal Skidmore
The Paranormal Skidmore Club aims to serve as a platform for students curious and passionate about the world of mystery to explore the unknown. The purpose of the club is to establish an active, educational, social and culturally diverse paranormal society that would serve in the interest of its members within 91 and beyond.

Pro-Arts is Skidmore's official fine arts club. We are the connection between studio artists and the rest of the college. We run the student gallery in Case Center and do collaborative projects with various groups and institutions, including the Tang Museum, other student clubs and the wider Saratoga community.

Random Acts of Crafts (RAC)
Random Acts of Crafts is dedicated to relieving stress and building friendships while making crafts.

91 Emergency Medical Service (SCEMS)
91 Emergency Medical Services (SCEMS) is a New York State basic life support-first response agency, which provides high-quality and confidential emergency medical care to the Skidmore community. SCEMS is staffed and operated entirely by Skidmore students, who are trained and state certified at the EMT level or higher. SCEMS provides emergency coverage between 4:30 p.m. and 8:30 a.m. on weekdays, and 24-hour coverage from 4:30 p.m. on Friday until 8:30 a.m. on Monday. SCEMS is also available for standby coverage for special events.

Find SCEMS on the web

SkidEats is a club that promotes sustainable food options on the Skidmore campus.

Skidmore Investment Club
The Skidmore Investment Club helps students obtain the skills and knowledge to be successful in their careers. It is our mission to provide all of the important business and economic skills that students will need in their future careers and lives.

Skidmore Spoon
Skidmore Spoon is the local chapter of Spoon University.

Speakers Bureau
91 Student Speakers Bureau provides guidance to student clubs and organizations in the planning, organizing and publicizing of lectures. The Student Speakers Bureau provides funds to student clubs and organizations for the purpose of bringing speakers to Skidmore. We support interesting, educational, diverse and thoughtful speakers of all kinds as proposed by other student groups. A small portion of the budget is also reserved for the Speakers Bureau to bring a special keynote speaker to campus in the fall.

Find Speaker's Bureau on the web

Table Top Gaming Club
Table Top Gaming Club provides a space for Skidmore students to play a variety of table top games including Warhammer, Settlers of Cataan and other similar games.

Skidmore UNICEF does a variety of fundraising on behalf of the larger UNICEF organization.

Women in Business
Skidmore’s Women in Business strives to empower ambitious women across all disciplines to engage in leadership. As a liberal arts college whose motto is “Creative Thought Matters,” Skidmore’s Women in Business Club emphasizes the importance of dynamic, creative thought. Along with becoming a powerful philanthropic force and a network for current Skidmore students and alumni, Skidmore’s Women in Business Club will be an open forum to discuss current topics that are affecting women in the modern-day corporate world and beyond.