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Master of Arts in Liberal Studies Committee (MALS)

MALS Membership


Membership: Two faculty members, the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.

2021 Mary-Beth O'Brien, World Languages and Literatures, Chair
2022 Tim Wientzen, English
  Ronald Seyb, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs
  Michelle Paquette-Deuel, Office of Special Programs


Membership: Two faculty members, the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.

2019 Andrew Lindner, Sociology
2021 Mary-Beth O'Brien, World Languages and Literatures
  Ronald Seyb, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs
  Michelle Paquette-Deuel, Office of Special Programs


Membership: Two faculty members, the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.

2018 David Vella, Mathematics
2019 Andrew Lindner, Sociology (LV S'18)
  David Karp (S'18 replacement for Lindner)
  Jacqueline Scoones, Director of Master of Arts Program
  Ronald Seyb, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs
  Paul Calhoun, Dean of Special Programs


Membership: Two faculty members, the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.

2017 Sylvia McDevitt, Biology  LV F'16
  Robert Jones, Economics (F'16 replacement for McDevitt)
2018 David Vella, Mathematics
  Jacqueline Scoones, Director of Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Associate Director of Master of Arts Program
  Ronald Seyb, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Student Academic Affairs
  Paul Calhoun, Dean of Special Programs


Membership: Two faculty members, the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or a designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.

2016 Martha Wiseman, English
2017 Sylvia McDevitt, Biology
  Jacqueline Scoones, Director of Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Associate Director of Master of Arts Program
  Corey Freeman-Gallant, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Academic Policy and Advising
  Paul Calhoun, Dean of Special Programs


Membership: Four faculty members, each representing one of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of the MALS Program and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.

2015 Hope Casto, Education Studies (Pre-Professional)
2015 Eric Morser, History (Social Science)
2016 Martha Wiseman, English (Humanities)
2016 Ruth Copans, Librarian (1-yr 14-15 replacement for resignation), Chair
2017 Sylvia McDevitt, Biology (Natural Science)
  Jacqueline Scoones, Director of Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Associate Director of Master of Arts Program
  Paty Rubio, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Personnel and Diversity
  Paul Calhoun, Dean of Special Programs


Membership: Four faculty members, each representing one of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of the MALS Program and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.

2014 David Howson, Arts Administration
2015 Hope Casto, Education Studies (LV F '13)
  Eunice Ferreira, Theater (replacement for Casto) F '13
2015 Eric Morser, History (2-yr replacement for Lembo)
2016 Martha Wiseman, English
2016 Elizabeth Ruane, Librarian
  Jacqueline Scoones, Director of Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Associate Director of Master of Arts Program
  Corey Freeman-Gallant, Associate Dean of the Faculty for Academic Policy and Advising
  Paul Calhoun, Dean of Special Programs


Membership: Four faculty members, each representing one of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of the MALS Program and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.

2013 Maria Lander, Foreign Languages & Literatures
2014 David Howson, Arts Administration
2015 Hope Casto, Education Studies
2015 Leah Lembo, Education Studies
  Michael Mudrovic, Director of Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Associate Director of Master of Arts Program
  TBD - Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Paul Calhoun, Interim Dean of Special Programs


Membership: Four faculty members, each representing one of the four Divisions of Disciplines, elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of the MALS Program and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee, and the Director and Academic Advisor of the MALS Program.  

2012 Caroline D'Abate, Management & Business
2012 Marc-Andre Wiesmann, Foreign Languages & Literatures         
2013 Maria Lander, Foreign Languages & Literatures (LV F'11)
  April Bernard, English (F'11 replacement for Lander)
2014 David Howson, Arts Administration
  Michael Mudrovic, Director of Master of Arts Program                                     
  Sandy Welter, Associate Director of Master of Arts Program
  Paty Rubio, Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Paul Calhoun, Interim Dean of Special Programs


Membership: Four faculty members elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of EMP and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2011 Elzbieta Lepkowska-White, Management & Business
2012 Caroline D'Abate, Management & Business
2013 Maria Lander, Foreign Languages & Literatures
  Marc-Andre Wiesmann, Foreign Languages & Literatures  (LV Spring 2011)
  Paul Sattler, Art (S'11 replacement for Wiesmann)
  Michael Mudrovic, Director of External Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  Paty Rubio, Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Jeffrey Segrave, Dean of Special Programs


Membership: Four faculty members elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of EMP and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2010 Pola Baytelman, Music
2011 Elzbieta Lepkowska-White, Management & Business (LV F'09)                             
  Martha Wiseman, English, (replacement for Lepkowska-White F'09)
2012 Caroline D'Abate, Management & Business
  Marc-Andre Wiesmann, Foreign Languages & Literatures
  Michael Mudrovic, Director of External Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  Paty Rubio, Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Jeffrey Segrave, Dean of Special Programs

2008-2009 - EMAC

Membership: Four faculty members elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of EMP and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2009 Martha Wiseman, English, (1-yr 08-09 replacement for Belden)
  Mary Correa, Management & Business
2009 Dung-Lan Chen, Library representative
2010 Pola Baytelman, Music
2011 Elzbieta Lepkowska-White, Management & Business
  John Anzalone, Acting Director of External Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  Paty Rubio, Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Jeffrey Segrave, Dean of Special Programs

2007-2008 - EMAC

Membership: Four faculty members elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of EMP and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2008 Phyllis Roth, English (LV Fall '07)
  Martha Wiseman, English (1-yr replacement for Roth)
2009 Susan Belden, Management & Business
  Mary Correa, Management & Business
2009 Dung-Lan Chen, Library representative
2010 Pola Baytelman, Music
  John Anzalone, Acting Director of External Master of Arts Program                 
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  Mark Hofmann , Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Jeffrey Segrave, Interim Dean of Special Programs

2006-2007 - EMAC

Membership: Four faculty members elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of EMP and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2007 Debra Fernandez, Dance (leave S'07), Chair F'06
2007 Pola Baytelman, Music (1-yr replacement 06-07 for Fernandez, Roth)               
2008 Phyllis Roth, English (exchange F'06 Union)
2009 Susan Belden, Management & Business
  Mary Correa, Management & Business
2009 Dung-Lan Chen, Library representative
  John Anzalone, Acting Director of External Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  Mark Hofmann , Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Jeffrey Segrave, Interim Dean of Special Programs

2005-2006- EMAC

Membership: Four faculty members elected to serve three-year terms; and one library faculty member, appointed in consultation with the Director of EMP and the College Librarian to serve a three-year term; the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2006 John Cosgrove, Library
  Natalie Taylor, Government
  Marc Andre Wiesmann, Foreign Languages & Literatures
2007 Debra Fernandez, Dance
2008 Phyllis Roth, English
  Erica Bastress-Dukehart, Acting Director of External Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  Sarah Goodwin, Associate Dean of the Faculty
  Paula Newberg, Dean of Special Programs

2004-2005 - EMAC

Membership: Four faculty members elected to serve three-year terms; one library faculty member will be appointed, the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2005 Susannah Mintz, English
  Michael Mudrovic, Foreign Languages & Literatures
  Pushkala Prasad, Management & Business (on leave 04-05)
  Joanna Zangrando, American Studies (1-yr replacement for Prasad)        
2006 John Cosgrove, Library
  Natalie Taylor, Government
  Marc Andre Wiesmann, Foreign Languages & Literatures
  Dan Coleman, Director of External Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  John Brueggemann, Associate Dean of Faculty Development
  Donald McCormack, Dean of Special Programs

2003-2004 - EMAC

Membership: Six faculty members elected to serve two-year terms; the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2004 Susan Belden, Management & Business (on leave 03-04)
  Isabel Brown, Exercise Science, Dance & Athletics (1-yr replacement for Belden 03-04)
  John Cosgrove, Library (1-yr replacement for Mensing 03-04)
  Adrienne Zuerner, Foreign Languages & Literatures
2005 Susannah Mintz, English
  Michael Mudrovic, Foreign Languages & Literatures
  Pushkala Prasad, Management & Business
  Dan Coleman, Director of External Master of Arts Program
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  John Brueggemann, Associate Dean of Faculty Development
  Donald McCormack, Dean of Special Programs

2002-2003 - EMAC

Membership: Six faculty members elected to serve two-year terms; the Dean of Special Programs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty or his/her designee and the Director and Academic Advisor of the EMP.

2003 Hedi Jaouad, Foreign Languages & Literatures
  Elzbieta Lepkowska-White, Management & Business (on leave 02-03)
  Joanne (Felt) Vella, Art & Art History (1-yr replacement for Lepkowska-White)   
  Debbie Hall, Art & Art History (1-yr replacement for McVeigh)
2004 Susan Belden, Management & Business
  Margo Mensing, Art & Art History
  Adrienne Zuerner, Foreign Languages & Literatures
  Dan Coleman, Director of MALS
  Sandy Welter, Academic Advisor, MALS
  John Brueggemann, Associate Dean of Faculty Development
  Donald McCormack, Dean of Special Programs