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Faculty-Staff Achievements

May 3, 2023

Paul Benzon, assistant professor of English, delivered the annual Babcock Lecture at Hartwick College in Oneonta. The tittle of his talk was “.” 

Barbara Black, professor of English and Tisch Chair in Arts and Letters, was an invited contributor to the peer-reviewed where she published the article “.” Black was assisted by Emily Byrne '21, and Alice Condry-Power'24.  

Heather Hurst, associate professor of Anthropology, was featured in the French filmLe Ѳè des Mayas: des origins à la chute.” The two-hour documentary by Claire Denavarre and Fabrice Buysschaert was produced by Pernel Media and broadcast in France, Germany, and Canada. 

Nancy Thebaut, assistant professor of art history, has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to France. She will be a visiting scholar at the Centre d’étude sܱéܰ de civilisation é徱é at the University of Poitiers during the 2023-2024 academic year. She also published “” in the journal Different Visions: New Perspectives on Medieval Art.

Chris Vecsey, associate professor and director of the Neuroscience Program, received the Mary S. Erskine Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Mentorship at the Northeast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON) conference, which was held at Quinnipiac University in April.

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