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Skidmore Spotlight: Sascha LaRosa

September 22, 2021

Sascha LaRosa

Sascha LaRosa works as barn manager and riding instructor in Skidmore’s stables. Her responsibilities include providing lessons to students, managing the care of Skidmore’s 40 horses, and exercising the horses while the students are on summer break.  

LaRosa, who officially joined the Skidmore community as a full-time employee in 2015, said she is excited to return to a more normal routine on campus this fall.  

“Last semester, we didn’t allow students into the actual barn to tack and untack their horses for lessons, so that we could maintain social distancing,” she said. “I think the students really missed the interaction with the horses in that way.  I’m looking forward to being able to teach horsemanship skills in the barn again.” 

During the pandemic, LaRosa has worked through a number of challenges, such as how to exercise the horses without students around.  

“During the initial shutdown we also had to figure out as a team how to teach the rest of the semester remotely, which had its own unique challenges,” she said.  

LaRosa said she appreciates the sense of community and diversity at Skidmore.  

“I always feel like everyone is part of a team and is working together toward a common goal,” she said. “I also have a background in education and love being able to work with Skidmore students, who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and all have something unique to bring to the table.” 

When she is not on campus, she enjoys spending time with family and her two dogs. She is also an avid hiker. 

“During the pandemic I went hiking almost every weekend and was finally able to become an Adirondack 46er, which had been a longtime goal of mine.” 

Would you like to nominate an employee for recognition? Email us at swb@skidmore.edu.