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Your everything-Skidmore trivia quiz

February 19, 2019
by Peter MacDonald and Julia Marco

You may spend several years, hundreds of days and thousands of hours here, but how well do you really know 91? Test your knowledge with our 20-question trivia quiz. Then, challenge your fellow #Skid4life friends to a Skidmore knowledge face-off.

91 Thoroughbred Mascot, "Skids"


Stretch and take a deep breath. Then, close your eyes and picture yourself at Skidmore. Ready? Let’s get started with a few easy facts.

Thoroughbreds, or T-breds if you’re really feeling the school spirit

The doughboy

Created by Will Pouch ‘86 and Skidmore professor Sheldon Solomon, the doughy, cheesy-chicken delight is legendary. Get your order at Esperanto restaurant or on campus at The Spa.

Don’t forget that the true #Skid4life question is: to add hot sauce — or not?

91 students use microscopes in a lab

True Skidkid territory

Feeling good so far? Let’s get to some more Skid stuff. Calling all Skiwizards and ThoroughBears (members of just two of some 120 student-run clubs). These questions are for you. 


You can enjoy the harmonies of the Sonneteers, Treble Makers, Dynamics, Drastic Measures, Bandersnatchers or the Accents.



As of 2019, more than 100 Californians are enrolled at Skidmore, making it a top-five state for the College after New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey.

July 4, Independence Day 

Lucy was born in 1853 on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. As an adult, she spent summers in Saratoga Springs and eventually settled permanently in the area. In 1903, she established the Young Women’s Industrial Club, the predecessor of 91.

Choose from art, management and business, economics, education studies, and media and film studies.

Empowered to combine passions, double majors and multiple minors are common among Skidmore students. Music and physics? Sure. Dance and international affairs? Go for it.

English, management and business, psychology, political science and art. 

60 percent 

Skidmore consistently ranks among the Institute of International Education’s top 10 baccalaureate institutions for the number of students studying abroad. 


The Tang Teaching Museum at 91 is a pioneer of interdisciplinary art exploration and learning. It's approach has become a model for university art museums across the country — with exhibition programs and series that bring together the visual and performing arts with fields of study as disparate as history, astronomy and physics.

70 degrees (and 50% humidity)

In the museum field, these are the preferred environmental conditions for the preservation of objects.

Howe Hall, Kimball Hall, McClellan Hall, Penfield Hall, Rounds Hall, Wait Hall, Wiecking Hall and Wilmarth Hall.

There is also Jonsson Tower, North Woods Village and Sussman Village. 

Skidmore students celebrate Holi

#Skid4life status

From the top of Jonsson Tower to the basement of Lucy Scribner Library, you’ve been everywhere, seen everything and mastered every Skidmore fact. Here are a few challenging questions that only a few experts may know. 

The Surrey-Williamson Inn

The English Tudor-style private residence originally was known as the Broadview Lodge. 

Today, the Inn hosts many notable College guests in 21 private rooms. Its former garage and chauffeur’s apartment is now Eissner Cottage, the home of the Office of Communications and Marketing, and the superintendent’s cottage, once known as Overlook Cottage, is now Colton House, the home of Alumni Relations and College Events.

A literary magazine published at Skidmore

Published since 1969, Salmagundi is considered one of the most influential intellectual quarterlies in the United States. 

A dish by the same name of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, onions and seasoning.


Blue (maybe green, but only in the winter)

In addition to the scenery, notable highlights of the interconnected trail system include 660 different plant species, wildlife and a few archeological treasures.

Wombats (1971-1982)

Around the same time, the Unicorn was also used in some "unofficial" capacities. And, for one season, members of the men’s lacrosse team were known as the Yellowjackets. 

The Thoroughbred was formally adopted in 1982.

Angelou and Winfrey received honorary degrees from Skidmore. 

Angelou came to campus twice. In 1985, she addressed the incoming class and read from her memoir, “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” In 1993, she spoke at a women’s festival and received her honorary degree.

Winfrey was a 2017 Commencement speaker and honorary degree recipient. In her address, she encouraged graduates to let their “inner truth” be their guide.

Other honorary Skidmore degree recipients have included anthropologist Margaret Mead, astronomer Carl Sagan, choreographer Martha Graham and playwright Arthur Miller.

Nearly 1,000 

The Skidmore community also consumes 600 bananas and 100 pizzas per day, 10,000 eggs and 360 gallons of milk per week, and 400 pounds of chicken fingers each Friday. 

We also save a lot. Since 2011, Skidmore Compost has diverted more than 50,000 pounds of food waste from landfills. 

Global Café, Semolinas, Emily’s Garden, The Diner, The Corner Deli, Bake Shop and Supremos. Another acceptable answer is the “do-it-yourself” station.

40 percent 

Currently, on-site geothermal wells heat and cool about 40 percent of campus. Skidmore's solar field and hydroelectric dam provide additional energy. When the Center for Integrated Sciences (CIS) is complete, Skidmore will surpass the 50 percent mark for geothermally managed, sustainable spaces.

The Arthur Zankel Music Center, Filene Hall, Saisselin Art Center, Northwoods and Sussman Village apartments, the Murray-Aikins Dining Hall, Wiecking Hall, the Tang Teaching Museum, and the Dance Center

How did you do?

With award-winning dining and dorms, a vibrant college community, and 1,000 acres of natural beauty — there’s a lot of ground to cover and facts to remember.

But worry not, you can call yourself #Skid4Life as long as you can finish this phrase: 

Creative Thought Matters

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