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Dean of the Faculty/Vice President for Academic Affairs


February 2, 2007
Gannett Auditorium

I. Approval of Minutes - December 1, 2006

II. President’s Report – Philip A. Glotzbach

I. Pat Oles - Introduction
II. Jeanne Eddy and Denise Smith – Campus Campaign Committee update

III. Vice President for Academic Affairs Report

I. Susan Kress – Vice President for Academic Affairs
II. Dean of the Faculty – Muriel Poston
III. Dean of Special Programs – Jeff Segrave

IV. Old Business

FEC – Dan Curley – Amended Motion – 2006-07 Faculty Handbook,
Parts One – Five

V. New Business

I. Resolutions – Candidates for the Degree - UWW - Sheldon Solomon
II. FEC – Dan Curley – Motion to approve 2006-07 Faculty Handbook,
Part Six
III. CEPP – Motions:

I. Cardozo Law School – Beau Breslin
II. Writing Motion – Matt Hockenos

VI. Reports

First-Year Experience - Scribner-Mellon Scholar Research Program -
Michael Arnush

VII. Other

VIII. Announcements

I. Jonathan Brestoff – SGA – GoogleFest 2007
II. Kate Leavitt – FDC – Faculty Development Grant Recipients
III. Ruth Andrea Levinson – Summer Service-Learning Internship Program
IV. Adrienne Zuerner – “Imagining Ourselves: A Global Generation of Women” Symposium 
V. John Weber - Invitation to Community Reception